Litigation Support Experience and Consultative Experience of Gary M. Stein
10/24 – (Ongoing) Lexington, KY
Plaintiff: Provided analysis, opinions and discovery recommendations regarding requirements to maintain instruments and supplies sized for pediatric patients in ER
10/24 – (Ongoing) King County, WA
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding surgical complications asociaciated with instrument changes
6/24 – (Ongoing) Southfield, MI
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding the retention of administrataive policies and procedures
2/24 – (Ongoing) Pensacola, FL
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding duty of hospital to oversee independent contractor physicians
9/23 – 12/24 Oak Hill, WV
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding whistelblower protections and unlawful discrimination of ER physician
7/23 – (Ongoing) Savannah, GA
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding HCA corporate and regional oversight and control of local hospital
7/23 – (Ongoing) Savannah, GA
Plaintiff: Provided analysis, opinions and Affidavit of Merit regarding negligent credentialing
3/23 – (Ongoing) Nashville, TN
Plaintiff: Provided analysis, opinions, and Certificate of Good Faith regarding use of Taser on committed patient
2/23 – (Ongoing) Encino, CA
Defense: Provided analysis, opinions and gave deposition regarding “termination” of CNO and proper operating protocols for financially challenged facility.
2/23 – 10/24 Freehold, NJ
Plaintiff: Provided analsysis, opinions, and Affidavit of Merit regarding unlawful touching by physician
10/22 – (Ongoing) Freehold, NJ
Plaintiff Provided analysis, opinions, and Affidavit of Merit regarding negligent credentialing
6/22 – 1/24 Ashland, KY
Plaintiff: Provided analysis, opinions, certificate of merit and discovery recommendations regarding allowing home medical equipment in hospital room
6/22 – 12/22 Philadelphia, PA
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding sexual assault of patient.
4/22 – (Ongoing) Lafayette, LA
Plaintiff: Provided analysis, opinions, and discovery recommendations regarding EMTALA, consultant response time.
4/22 – 6/22 Los Angeles, CA
Defense: Provided analysis and opinions regarding economic justifications for RIF and absence of discriminatory behavior
1/22 – (Ongoing) Houston, TX
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions and expert report regarding release of body for organ donation without proper authorization
12/21 – (Ongoing) Memphis, TN
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding HIPAA requirements for sharing medical records with legal counsel
10/21 – (Ongoing) Jacksonville, FL
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding standards for proper discharge practices
8/21 – (Ongoing) Brookhaven, GA
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinion regarding standards for reappointment and clincial privileges
8/21 – 8/22 Fayetteville, WV
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinion regarding improper termination of employee
4/21 – 5/21 Memphis, TN
Defense: Provided analysis and opinion regarding economic damages asserted by plaintiff’s expert.
12/20 – (Ongoing) Lexington, KY
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinion regarding standards for credentialing physicians
11/20 – (Ongoing) Lexington, KY
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinion regarding standards for credentialing physicians
10/20 – (Ongoing) Lexington, KY
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinion regarding standards for credentialing physicians
9/20 – (Ongoing) Reno, NV
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding potential liability from providing negative references
7/20 – (Ongoing) Charlotte, WV
Defense: Provided analysis and opinions regarding proper handling of peer review and restriction of privileges in peer review process.
7/20 – (Ongoing) Atlanta, GA
Defense: Provided analysis and opinions regarding compliance with Federal Anti-Kickback Statutes.
4/20 – 3/21 Galveston, TX
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding obligations of hospital to provide appropriate discharge instructions to prevent injury post discharge.
9/19 – 12/19 Nashville, TN
Plaintiff: Provided analysis, opinions and expert report regarding obligations of medical facility to insure effective communications with patients regardless of disability. Case settled.
6/19 – 9/19 Houston, TX
Defense: Provided analysis and opinions regarding owner and manager responsibilities for safe operation of Medical Office Building.
6/19 – 5/21 Tampa, FL
Defense: Provided analysis, opinions and deposition regarding preventing and investigating sexual assault by employee of patient.
6/18 – 5/19 Dallas, TX
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding transfer of patient onto imaging platforms. Case settled.
4/18 – (Ongoing) | Chicago, IL
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding proper maintenance and disinfection of Heater-Cooler devices.
1/18 – (Ongoing) | Chicago, IL
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding improper placement of endo tube during C Section.
12/17 – 11/19 | Palm Beach Garden, FL
Plaintiff: Provided analysis, opinions and deposition and trial testimony regarding standard of care and hospital duties and responsibilities under the Florida Baker Act.
11/17 – 8/20 | Scottbluff, NE
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding anatomic pathology reporting errors.
10/17 – (Ongoing) | Greenville, TN
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding negligent hiring
9/17 – 12/18 | Philadelphia, PA
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding the standard of care during surgery.
5/17 – 12/21 | Nashville, TN
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions and gave deposition regarding response time for emergent patient in a teaching hospital trauma center.
2/17 – 10/17 | Memphis, TN
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions and gave deposition regarding patient safety and preventing injuries during patient transfers. Case settled
11/16 – 8/19 | Omaha, NE
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions and gave deposition regarding prevention of patient falls. Case settled.
7/16 – 9/16 | Baltimore, MD
Provided consultation to U.S. Attorney District of Maryland on Medicare fraud issues.
6/16 – 3/17 | Parkersburg, WV
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding sexual assault on a patient.
2/16 – 12/18 | Huntington, WV
Defense: Provided analysis and opinions regarding if hospital has a doctor-patient relationship with patient
10/15 – 3/16 | Knoxville, TN
Defense: Provided analysis and opinions regarding requirements for notifying patients of adverse health conditions.
8/15 – 7/17 | Witchita, KS
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and expert report regarding hospital management company’s effectiveness and duties to perform.
7/15 – 5/16 | Louisville, KY
Plaintiff: Provided analysis, opinion, expert report, gave deposition and trial testimony regarding managing partners duties to investors in new hospital.
5/15 – 7/15 | Orlando, FL
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and expert report regarding suitability to hire disabled ED physician.
5/15 – 9/15 | Johnson City, TN
Defense: Provided analysis and expert report regarding physicians as apparent agents of hospital.
1/15 – 2/16 | Valparaiso, IN
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding the primacy of physician orders in determining the plan of care of a patient as well as the appropriate policies and procedures for transferring a patient between acute and post acute levels of care
12/14 – 3/20 | Baton Rouge, LA
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinions regarding anesthesia personnel appropriate in various surgical settings
12/14 – 6/19 | Coral Gables, FL
Defense: Provided analysis and opinions regarding informed consent practices and requirements
7/14 – 12/15 | Elkhorn, WI
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinion regarding EMTALA regulations and prohibitions against retaliation within those regulations
7/14 – 9/14 | Hamden, CT
Defense: Provided analysis and opinion regarding use of restraints in Hospital and liability of a patient who injures a provider during treatment. Case Settled.
2/14 – 7/16 | Louisville, KY
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and opinion and gave deposition regarding appropriateness of financing and loan guarantees for construction of new physician owned hospital.
1/14 – 5/14 | Knoxville, TN
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and expert report and gave deposition regarding health facility obligations to prevent slips and falls. Case settled.
1/14 – 4/14 | Murfreesboro, TN
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and review of records regarding patient burned by personal electrical appliance in hospital room. Case settled.
6/13 – 8/13 | Knoxville, TN
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and advice regarding good faith basis for filing suit and discovery strategies.
3/13 – 11/13 | Metairie, LA
Defense: Provided analysis, advice, and affidavit re: class certification; PPO/Network practices especially as it relates to Workers Comp in Louisiana. Case settled.
6/12 – 8/13 | Palm Beach, FL
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and advice and review of records and gave deposition regarding hospital obligations to prevent slips and falls Case settled.
6/12 – 8/12 | Bamberg, SC
Plaintiff: Provided analysis and advice and review of records regarding HIPAA and privacy obligations of health care facilities and their employees. Case settled.
5/12 – 12/18 | West Palm Beach, FL
Defense: Provided review of records and files and analysis and advice and gave deposition regarding standard of care in Employee Health Office. Case settled.
5/12 – 3/13 | Sioux City, IA
Plaintiff: Provided review of records and files and analysis and advice regarding employee killed in auto accident on way to Hospital to provide time sensitive patient reports. Workers Compensation hearing and civil lawsuit. Case decided in favor of Plaintiff.
4/12 – 7/13 | Johnson City, TN
Defense: Provided review of records and files, analysis of potential liability and expert report in case of patient discharged who later was found to have perforated bowel from hysterectomy. Defense dismissed from case.
11/11 – 4/12 | West Palm Beach, FL
Defense: Provided review of records and files and analysis of hospital’s potential liability in case of path finding of cancer and issues of how/when results were communicated to relevant physicians. Case Settled.
10/11 – 7/12 | Oneida, TN
N/A: Provided consultation and guidance on transitioning leased county owned hospital to new lessor or creation of 501c3 corporation with retention of professional management company.
9/10 – 5/11 | Palm Beach, FL
Defense: Provided analysis and advice and gave deposition and trial testimony regarding Allied Health privileges, integrity of medical records and other issues. Case decided for the Defense.
8/10 – 11/10 | Greenville, MS
Plaintiff: Provided review of files and analysis of hospital’s potential liability in case of detoxing patient that injured himself going out a window of his patient room. Case Settled.
3/10 – 1/11 | Atlanta, GA
Plaintiff: Provided analysis, advice and expert report regarding industry standards for recruiting, vetting and hiring radiologist groups (from competing imaging centers). Case Settled.
11/09 – 01/10 | Sanford, NC
Defense: Provided analysis and advice regarding billing practices and insurance company and TPA payment practices. Case settled in favor of the defense largely based on my review and opinions. Case settled.
5/09 – 8/10 | Rockville, MD
Plaintiff: Provided analysis, advice, expert deposition and testimony at trial regarding hospital practices to prevent sexual misconduct by employee with a patient. Case decided by jury.
3/09 – 5/09 | Wauwatosa, WI
Defense: Provided analysis and advice and gave deposition regarding physician practice protocols for preventing, investigating and acting upon inappropriate sexual conduct by a physician with a patient. Case settled.
9/08 – 12/08 | New Orleans, LA
Defense: Provided analysis and affidavit regarding discounting and billing practices in Managed Care Organizations and their Providers. Case settled.
7/08 – 08/08 | Charlotte, NC
Plaintiff: Reviewed medical records and related documents and opined on hospital’s obligations to provide safe and effective transfer of patient while being discharged. Gave deposition in the matter. Case Settled.
5/08 – 7/09 | Charlotte, NC
Plaintiff: Reviewed medical records and related evidentiary material and opined on whether Hospital met its obligations under prevailing standards of care and HIPAA. Case Settled.
4/08 – 06/08 | Johnson County, KY
Plaintiff: Opined on Hospital Standards not met in providing care to plaintiff. Case settled.
1/08 – 4/08 | Tampa, FL
Plaintiff: Opined on Hospital Standards not met in providing care to deceased plaintiff. Case settled.
1/08 – 5/08 | Knoxville, TN
N/A Provided consultation and expert advice on integrating key departments during merger of St.Mary’s and Baptist Health Systems.
11/07 – 12/07 | Houston, TX
Defense: Reviewed medical records and Expert opinions in preparation for deposition. Case settled.
10/07 – 02/08 | Broward County, FL
Plaintiff: Provided affidavit regarding responsibilities and liability of hospital for negligence of attending physician. Case settled.
12/06 – 1/07 | Palm Beach County, FL
Defense: Provided affidavit regarding patient care issues and appropriate hospital standards. Settled before trial.
1/06 – 10/06 | Calcasieu Parish, LA
Defense: Provided affidavit re: class certification; PPO/PHO practices. Case settled.
11/05 – 12/05 | Baton Rouge, LA
N/A: Provided consultation to CEO and other senior officers on strategic issues and insights into provider views on worker’s compensation issues.
7/05 – 9/05 | Houston, TX
Defense: Opined on Hospital Standards regarding numerous patient care issues raised by the plaintiff and plaintiff’s expert. Settled before trial.